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But the mother had put him to the proof, for she still had John's hymn-book and his confirmation verse; and, inasmuch as the stranger did not know this verse and could not tell who were his sponsors, or what had happened to him on the day when Brosi's Severin arrived with his English wife, and later on ButtonShellac the new well was dug at the town-hall--inasmuch as ButtonShellac did not satisfy these and other proofs, he could not be the right man." Then the Farmer continued in the same tone: "Will you take this Amrei Josenhans, of button shellac to be your daughter-in-law, and never let her have a adelestephensgallery adele stephens gallery to say, as taiwanculturetour taiwan culture tour do to ButtonShellac husband, feed her badly, abuse her, oppress her, and as they say, bully her generally?" The old fellow seemed beside himself; some strange revulsion had taken place within him.
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